Star Quality Work

Star quality work . . . how do you motivate your students to turn in their best quality work on a consistent basis?  How about with a touch light?  You can find lights like this at Dollar Tree.  First, you need to brainstorm with your class what star quality work looks like.  Here's a sign you can put at the top of your anchor chart:

Now that students have a clear understanding of your expectations, it is time to begin reinforcing high quality work.  There is research that shows it is better to give positive reinforcement intermittently.  You don't want your students to get in the mind set that they will only turn in quality work when they get something for it.  From time-to-time, when you are walking around the room monitoring your students, find an example of star quality work.  Show your class the assignment and tell them why this assignment is star quality.  You can either give them a star note or turn on the star touch light and set it on the student's desk.  Hopefully, with the right motivation, you will soon see a class full of stars!

You can get a free copy of star notes:

It is part of my FREE Happy Notes packet:


Anonymous said...

I love it! I have a planet theme in my room and this would fit in perfectly. Thanks!

Michelle said...

I'm glad this will help you.