Too much work #1 - Parents

It seems like there is never enough time in the day to get everything done when you are a teacher.  One way to free yourself of a few things on your "to do" list is delegating some of your chores.  Parents are a great resource and are often willing to help.  Find two dependable parents who will come in on alternate weeks to do your busy work.  All of those time consuming tasks like copying, changing students work on bulletin boards, stuffing folders, stapling books together can be done by a parent.  Set up a volunteer tub with scissors, staplers, staples, and other office supplies to minimize disruptions.  One of the added benefits of having a parent volunteer is they often work as your informal ambassador.  Often times when one of your parents is less than pleased with something that happened in your classroom, the parent will talk to your parent volunteer(s).  The parent volunteers have "street cred" (credibility)  in the disgruntled parent's eyes.  Many times your volunteers will soothe ruffled feathers that you didn't even know were ruffled.

(click on picture)

This packet gives you ideas for parent helpers.
Click on the picture to get your free copy.


Keeping Up With First Grade said...

Great post! Thanks for the parent helper ideas! I'm planning on doing "Help at Home" parents this year (sending all my oh so fun, cutting and sorting projects) as well as my in school helpers.

Co-Kindering said...

Great idea! Thanks for sharing!