You have probably seen quite a few messages lately about the changes with the Facebook pages that you have "liked". Facebook have made some changes in what you see in your newsfeed. Here is a post that explains a bit more about this: CLICK HERE. The bottom line is Facebook is a business and they want to make money, which I understand. With the new way, in order for more of the people who have liked my page to see what I post, I would have to pay to boost my posts. With my number of followers, it would cost me $100 per post. I usually post 3 things a day. I do not have an extra $9,000 a month to spend on boosting my post so I can share ideas with teachers who have liked my Teach123 Facebook page. It does help if you interact frequently with the Facebook pages that you want to see in your newsfeed. You can interact by liking, sharing, or commenting on posts. One of the things I am now doing is clicking "like" on every post of the pages that I want to contineu to see in my newsfeed. My "like" is my new way of telling the FB page owner that I saw the post.
One of the things I enjoy doing on my FB page is telling my followers when I added something new to my store and giving a few copies away. With fewer people seeing what I post, I am looking for new ways to communicate with my followers. One idea I have is to do a weekly wrap up through my newsletter.
I would still like to give a few copies of my new lessons away. I am going to see how it works to do it my newsletter. Here's how it will work. Each newsletter I will give links to a few of my lessons packets. I will choose a few email addresses. If your email address is chosen, email me at ( and tell me which one of the links I shared below you would like me to send you. That's it! Easy peasy!
If you are a subscriber to my newsletter, check your inbox because you may be a winner!
If you haven't subscribed yet, click on the picture below and check each week to see if you are the winner.
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