Jump into May with a Giveaway!

 Guess What? The Dynamic Duo is Back!

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's the Dynamic Duo!  Do you hear a superhero theme song playing in your head yet?  This duo is not able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, we aren't more powerful than a locomotive, we aren't faster than a speeding bullet, but we are going to give our teacher friends a chance for a double giveaway and have some fun doing it! 

My blog buddy, Fern @ Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas and I are giving away packets this year that you might find helpful.

We will each choose two winners.  You may enter to win on both blogs, in fact I would encourage you to do so, because it doubles your chances of winning!  If you are lucky enough to win on both blogs, we will let you choose an additional lesson packet from each of our stores, plus you'll get the 2 packets of the month.  
Great deal, right?!!!

 The packet that I am is highlighting for this giveaway is . . .
Jump into Grammar Task Cards
Click HERE to read more about this packet.

The packet that Fern is highlighting this month:

Frog and Toad Are Friends
Writing Center
Click HERE to find out more about this.

 Are you ready to enter to win these great packets?  
All we ask this month is that you follow our TPT stores.
That's it, it is that easy!
Click HERE or the picture above)

After entering on my blog, don't forget to hop over to Fern @ Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas and enter there so you'll double your chances of winning!

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