Become a playwriter: improve writing and reading fluency

Do your students love it when they see you pull out a Reader's Theater script?  It is the one time when your students don't mind reading the same thing multiple times.  These scripts are a great way to improve students' fluency skills. 

Students love these scripts because they are based on books that are familiar to them.  Have you ever thought about having your students be the playwriter?  Why not let Reader's Theater help your students grow as readers AND writers!

I just added a new free packet to my store that included some printables to get you started.

You can either let your students write the script by themselves, with a partner, or small group.  There is a template for the script that should make it a little easier.  I recommend having your students outline the dialogue boxes with a marker.  Use different color for each character.

There are printables and suggestions for the performance.  There are frames if you want your students to make popsicle stick puppets or frames to write the names for character necklaces.

Your students can announce the title of the play on the sign above.

There are signs to announce different acts in case you have industrious writers.  I hope your students enjoy being a playwriter!

Click HERE to download this freebie.

Freebie Fridays

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