I always consider it a compliment when I get a request from one of my buyers. This past week, one of my buyers asked if I could do a math facts version of my Bubble Gum program. She was using my Bubble Gum Sight Word (editable) program and thought this would be a good way to strengthen her students' math facts.
With a little tweaking here and there, I now have a Bubble Gum (editable) Math Facts - Addition program. This is the same format as the sight word and Popcorn Letter Sounds program. If you are already doing those programs, your parents and students are already trained and ready to go!
There are two different versions so you can differentiate.
- Set #1 - addition facts 0-5
- Set #2 - addition facts 0-10
******Please note: If you have a student with A.D.D./A.D.H.D., I would recommend that you use the math facts 0-5 version because it has fewer problems on the page. It will be less overwhelming to your student. The quiz that goes with that version is half a page and has half the amount of problems. Once your students has learned all of the 0-5 facts, he or she can begin the other version beginning at the facts 6. By this time, he or she will be familiar with the program and hopefully won't be as easily overwhelmed.
Sometimes you will hear that you should raise the bar high or students won't achieve. So, instead of having a goal of learning 3 facts a week you should set the goal of 6, 8, 10 or more facts per week. I found that when I give students attainable goals like learning 3 facts per week, my students' confidence blooms. As their confidence grows, they are more willing to take risk. That is when they make great gains academically.
There are two sets of quizzes to match the different versions that the students are studying. To add a little fun, give your students a gumball or sixlet which looks like a gumball but is chocolate when they ace their test. I found this gumball machine at Hobby Lobby. It is only 5 inches tall. It was in the birthday party favors section. It cost less than $2.00.
There are small flashcards that is the perfect size for small hands. Give your students a copy so they can have their own flashcards to study at home.
I recommend copying them on different colors and putting them on rings. You now have them ready to go for memory games which is fun for inside recess, a quick math center or use them for flashcard races.
In the picture is a couple of the printables included. Use these to set up a math center. I found the pumpkin ice trays at Dollar Tree. They make perfect ten-frames. The bouncy balls are from Dollar Tree, too. Don't they look like gumballs? These are the perfect addition for a Bubble Gum Addition Center - yes, pun intended!
Don't have a trip to Dollar Tree planned in your future? No problem, there are colorful ten-frames and black and white ones, too included with this packet.
These opened-ended pages can be put in a page protector so you have a paper-saver math center. Students can use dominoes, playing cards, dice, or spinners to make their own problems. There is also a black and white version of these pages included.
There are several different colorful and black and white spinners included.
Chart your students' progress with the charts included. These forms and many of the forms in this packets EDITABLE in Powerpoint. Please see the product overview on TPT to see which forms are included in the editable file.
Click HERE to see the Preview File.
Click HERE to visit my TPT store.
Sources to make my blog post graphics can be found HERE. Click HERE to read my blog's disclosure statement.
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