FREE Writing Center - Hands On Fun!

Are you looking for new ideas for your writing center?

One of my favorite things to do is to repurpose things.  It is an Earth friendly example to show your students.  If you use objects that students have at home, you will find that students begin to do this same activity at home . . . . . for fun!  What a great way to extend their learning!

Repurpose coloring books in your writing center.  Students can cut pictures out, glue them on the writing page, and then write a story about the pictures.

How many times have you told your students to put away toys they brought from home?  I call them pocket toys because their pockets always seemed to be filled with little toys.  With this writing center, you can do the opposite.  Put small toys in a feely bag.  I used a cleaning mitt from the Dollar Tree.  Tell your students they will reach in the bag and take out X amount of objects.  You decide the amount of objects.  Students will write a story that incorporates all of the objects. 

You will motivate your students by tapping into their love of toys plus this center is hands-on fun!

If you want to add some seasonal fun, repurpose bath or pool toys in your writing center.  I bought these toys for less than a dollar at Wal-Mart.  You can set this up with your animal studies unit, habitat, or ocean unit.

Do you other ideas about repurposing or hands-on ideas?  

I made some writing papers that you can use in your centers.
Download FREE writing papers.

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