Literature Circles Differentiate Motivate and Book Giveaway

Have you tried Literature Circles?  This is one of my tools in my toolbox that I have found quite useful.  Literature circles are great when:
  • You have a class with a wide range of abilities levels.
  • You have too much curriculum and not enough time to teach it.
  • You have students that are less-than-enthusiastic readers.

You can make your Literature Circles different sizes.  Sometimes you may have 2 students that are reading 2 or 3 grade levels above the next highest reading group.  Let those 2 students form their own circle.  The 2 students can rotate to a different job each time that they meet.  Although you won't have a student completing each job on the rotation wheel of the circle each time that they meet, the partners or smaller group can still have an effective discussion.

Do you integrate your curriculum?  This is the best way to add time to your day.  Use science or social studies to set the theme for your Literature Circle.  Look at the books below for a few examples:
  • Magic School Bus: The Search for the Missing Bones (reading level 3.5) would be perfect addition to a Human Body unit.
  • The Fire Cat (reading level 2.2) would enrich a fire safety unit.
  • Does your class dissect owl pellets?  Add the story, Owl at Home, to your reading plans.  It is on the 2.5 reading level.

Have you ever joined a Book Club as an adult?  If so, you know the feeling when the group voted to read a book that you were less than excited to read.  It took you longer to finish the book when this happened, right?  Many of your reluctant readers feelthe same way.  Choice affects enthusiasm for many readers.

I hope you follow my Facebook page.  I will be giving away multiple copies of these books.

REMINDER: Please downloadLIterature Circle, if you previously purchased it.  I completely redid it this summer. You get all new pages!

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