Feelings Journal & Behavior Management

Feelings can impact the climate of your class.  Students are little thermometers.  They absorb all of the good and bad vibes around them. It is important to have a strategy in your teacher toolbox to help your students.
Have you used a feelings journal?  Use a feelings journal as a morning work assignment.  Students are able to begin their day more focused after sharing what they are thinking and feeling. BONUS: You can take the pulse of your class with this assignment.

Holding students accountable for their behavior is important. Make the end of the your day a time of reflection.  Students can reflect about their feelings and behavior at school with this assignment. 
Different pages from "My Feelings Journal".

Organize books about behavior, feelings, or character traits.  It is very helpful to have a "go to" tub of books when an issue happens in the classroom.  You can reinforce your class rules, discussions, and conferences with students about behavior using read alouds.
You can integrate your behavior management with your literacy lessons.  Quick prep, addresses behavior issues . . . kills two birds with one stone . . . . what's not to love?
Tattling can become a big issue during cold and flu season.  Students are irritable which causes more conflicts.  This is a good time to read A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue.  You can do the easy prep option of read aloud and reading response page. 

I recommend making a tattling tongue bulletin board if this has been an on-going problem.  Point to the bulletin board when your students have a conflict to remind them to use the strategies from the book.  My new file includes a bulletin board, too.

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