Community Building: Staff Lending Library

Does your school have a lending library for the staff?  Sometimes it is located in the corner of the faculty lounge.  Other times there is a designated spot in the school's library for it.  A lending library can include books or magazines.
Reading during your lunch break is a great brain break.  Sometimes you need to take a brain break when you are feeling overwhelmed. You will be more productive after a short break.
Grab a book from the lending library and take your class outside the next time the weather is beautiful.  Students get so excited when they see their teacher reading, too!  
Do your students read for pleasure?  One important way you can encourage your students to read for pleasure is by reading a book during your students' sustained silent reading time.  Teachers of all subjects should model this. Imagine the impact a school wide D.E.A.R. (Drop-Everything-and-Read) time could have on students' reading skills.
Books are a great way to build community with staff members. It works best if you have the lending library in the teachers' lounge. Soon, staff members will be comparing notes about favorite authors and genres.

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