Behavior Management Tool - Take a Break form

Do you have a student that has extra energy, has trouble focusing, or a short attention span?  Sometimes a short break from the classroom can help. A change in scenery and movement can help the student focus better when he or she returns.

What do you do if you don't have any errands to send your student on? 

This is when it pays to be prepared.  Ahead of time ask a co-worker if you can send a student from time-to-time that needs a quick break.  You will send an envelope with a note with the student so the co-worker is aware of what is happening.
Do you have more than one student that needs to take a break?  Copy forms on colorful paper and put each form in a different envelope.  

Your co-worker will circle yes or no letting you know if your student entered their room without being disruptive.  There is also room that your co-worker can add comments.  

Don't forget to add a pen to the envelope.  Your teacher friend may be in the middle of lesson and not have a pen handy.

Keep this form for parent-teacher conferences.

Class Break Form

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