Hands on Math

My friends Yvonne and Brian @ Mixminder just published a book called The Crawfords' Big Book of Math-tivities. It is full of math lessons for grades kindergarten - 2nd grade.  Your students will love all of the hands on activities.

The book includes the following activities:
  • Mathbooking
  • Goofy Glyphs
  • Math & Tell
  • Math Games & Puzzles
  • Taking math outside
  • Holidays and Seasonal Math

My favorite activities are the goofy glyphs.  These could easily be set up as a math center or used as a whole group lesson.  This activity not only teaches math skills but also strengthens students' listening skills when you use it as a whole group activity. You could use this to document your students' listening skills, too.  It is a great visual to share at conference time!

Each students' assignment will be their own unique creation.  Wouldn't these be adorable to hang in the hallway?  The perfect activity when you like to use multiple intelligence in your lessons.

Click on the picture below to read more about Brian and Yvonne's book.

1 comment

Yvonne Crawford said...

Thank you so much for posting about our book! I really appreciate it!