February is Dental Health Month. This month is a great time to invite your local dentist to visit your class. Many of them will even bring a little goodie bag for your students.
Do your students ever lose their teeth at school and then can't find their tooth when it's time to go home? It can create quite a commotion at dismissal time. I found these little tooth treasure boxes and tooth necklaces help solve this problem. Quite a few come with each order, so you may want to ask a teammate to split the order with you. Click on the pictures below for more information.
I know that as teachers we often teach lessons about brushing and flossing teeth this month. Those lessons are important. Sometimes we need to reach out to parents, too.
As you are aware, there are many families who do not have access to health care. Some of these children may be in your class this year. Did you know that in some communities there is free or low cost dental care available to them? Often times, parents do without because they are unaware of the resources that are available. I found a site called America's Dentists Care Foundation that has links to different sponsored events. For example, on May 15-16, 2015, the Arkansas Mission of Mercy will hold an event in Little Rock for children and adults. The event will provide FREE cleaning, fillings and extractions. Click HERE to read more about it. A link to events such as this would be a good thing to add to your class newsletter or website.
If you read my blog on a regular basis, you will know how much I love to integrate curriculum. This topic is one that I thought would be fun to integrate with figurative language. Have you ever thought about how many different expressions involve teeth? Brainstorm a list with your class. I made a little freebie for you. You students can match the meaning to the idiom. Or you can divide your class into small groups. Give each group an idiom and have them write a story with each or research the origins of it. Click HERE to download this freebie.
Looking for more tips? Check out my February Pinterest board. Click on the picture below.
Fern has a few tips to share with you, too. Be sure to hop over to her blog!
Each week, Fern and I will share a teacher tip. We love to read teacher blogs and the latest teacher idea books and hope you do, too! Stop by Fern's blog and my blog each week for our latest tips. We hope you will share your ideas, too.
How do you study Dental Health?
Looking for more ideas? Click on the pictures below.
Sources to make my blog post graphics can be found HERE. Click HERE to read my blog's disclosure statement.
I love those little teeth treasure chests!! Thanks for sharing these great ideas!
The Fabulous Life of an Elementary Teacher
I am trying to teach my little guy good dental care early on. I think this will defiantly help with that. It will also be fun for him and help him learn other important things at the same time. http://www.7daydentalnevada.com/our-office/nevada-location.aspx#nevadamap
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