Bass Pro Shop isn't just for fishermen

If any of you teachers out there, love fishing or are married to someone who loves to fish, you have probably spent some time in a Bass Pro Shop.  I must confess, I have spent more than my fair share of time in Bass Pro Shops and other boat & fishing supply stores.  Years ago, my husband was updating his "must have" fishing list, when I wandered over to the tackle supply aisles.  There was a tub of rubber worms that was just sitting there calling to me.  As a kindergarten teacher, it had an invisible sign that said "come pick me up and hold me.".  Of course, as soon as I did that, the wheels in my head began spinning.  Now how could I use rubber worms with my students?  Of course, my boys would absolutely adore the worms, especially if I squirted water on them so they would feel gooey.  I bought some worms and used them the next day with my reading groups.  When I said a word, they would write the letters using worms.  I made work mats so they had a defined space for their worms.

During our spring break trip to San Antonio, we visited the Bass Pro Shop.  Of course, I had to buy a couple of packages of worms.  I just couldn't resist.  Worms come in so many great colors!

The work mats or worm mats I made is part of my Word Work for Primary Students packet.  If you use these mats, I would suggest either putting them in a sheet protector or laminating them if you plan to wet your worms.

Just for fun, I am going to give away one of these packets on April 15th - tax day!  All you have to do follow my blog and leave a comment with your email.  I will email the winner the evening of April 15th (California time).

Congratulations Nicole!  I will email you the file.
Thanks everyone for entering!


Unknown said...

How FUN! My husband is a fisher too... we don't have a Bass Pro shops here but there are some other stores we spend plenty of time in. I hate the smell of those worms- did you wash them first?! My kids would seriously go bananas over this!

Oh, and I would love to win your packet, too!

Rowdy in Room 300

jesschakey said...

This is excellent! thank you for the opportunity.

Susie Q said...

Sooo cute! I would love you visit my blog sometime.

Donna Klein said...

How fun... who would have thought? Would make a great addition to our word work location!
Have followed your blog, and here's my email...


Anonymous said...

I love this! I am an Education Major and will be student teaching in the fall. I would love to use this idea.
Crystal Reed

Christine said...

I also spend a lot of time at Bass Pro! Thanks for the ideas and the give away!


Anonymous said...

Oooh great idea. I would love to win as I am building up a collection of things for when I start teaching. Entering student teaching in the fall.

Anonymous said...

Gotta get those worms!!!

I already follow your blog and can't wait for my kids to experience these worms. Thanks so much for sharing this idea!


Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings said...

I follow your blog!

Amy LaFontaine said...

I love this idea! How creative. Thank you so much for sharing your fresh and fun ideas.


Elizabeth said...

I would have never thought of that! Such a great idea!

Michelle said...

I tried to comment on your site to enter your giveaway. It says I can't comment because I'm not a Team Member. I haven't ever seen this before. I follow you. Not sure what I am doing wrong.


Michelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This is so cute Michelle! Could also use real gummy worms and let the kids eat them when the are done.