When you are out shopping for school supplies and new clothes, don't forget to organize a teacher survival kit. These come in handy when you have those "oops!" and "Oh! No!" moments at school.
These are perfect gifts for the new teacher at your school. Your child's teacher would appreciate this gift, too because it is the gift that keeps on giving throughout the year. If you are involved in your PTA, suggest something like this as a "welcome back" gift. The teachers will love it! You can make mini-versions of this for co-workers, too.
Shoes and socks are for those days when little Joey throws up on your brand new pair of shoes or you step in an icy puddle of slush on your way into school. This has happened to me more than once! I always keep an extra pair of shoes and socks at school for those occasions.
If you have an outdoor duty such as recess duty or bus duty, you need an umbrella and jacket. An umbrella is useful on sunny days as well as rainy days. An extra jacket at school is for those days when the weather takes a turn for the worse in the middle of the day.
Yes, I know your custodian probably has a bunch of orange extension cords. But, it sure is nice to have your own extension cord when you need one in a hurry. Plus, they are inexpensive. I bought a 6 foot cord at Target for less than $2.
Tylenol is for the occasional headache. Cough drops come in handy the first few weeks of school when your students are going through "boot camp" (learning your rules and procedures).
The other things in the survival kit are self explanatory. Can you think of something else I should add to mine?
These make great gifts for new staff members.

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I think you covered everything! Great idea to make a kit so everything is organized. The only thing I would add is some Airborne - my mentor teacher gave me some during my student teaching and now I always have some on hand at school for whenever I start feeling a sore throat etc coming on! Oh and I'll totally put a spare pair of sunglasses in mine since I'm always forgetting them lol!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
I would add deodorant. On crazy mornings it is not unheard of for me to get to school and figure out that I forgot to put it on. Otherwise I agree with Jennifer K. on the sunglasses. The rest looks good.
I thought of 2 more things. A bag of chocolate for those days when you just need it and change for the pop machine.
These are all great ideas! Thanks!
I can't tell you the number of times I have had a teacher come ask for a tampon....the school nurse only has those bulky pads. I also have contact lens solution and an extra case in my emergency supplies.
How about an extra pair of pants! My poor student teacher sat in a chair where a child peed on it. She was mortified and had someone bring her extra clothes.
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I would add Tums or Rolaids.
Great idea!!!---and chocolate never hurts :)
First Grade and Fabulous
I agree that chocolate is a necessity. I also keep an extra pair of earrings in my "kit" and for oldies like me an extra pair of reading glasses is a must!
Love the list! I also keep a plain t-shirt at school just in case!
Great idea. I'm going to put two kits together for our two new teachers thanks.
LOL! I Love all the comments about chocolate!
My cooperating teacher for student teaching also kept "oops" things for the students. She had extra clothing, and even extra jackets, mittens, hats and boots, for kids who had bathroom accidents or who came to school in the winter wearing t-shirts and no jackets! You could just pick up a few things at Goodwill, in the general sizes that your students wear.
gotta have nail glue!!!!! Can't go even a few minutes with a broken or lifted nail in class!
These are all great tips. Thank you everyone!
You may want to add sanitary pads or the like. Even if teacher doesn't need it, a student might.
Ha! Great minds think alike! People already said what I was going to say, chocolate, tampons, change for the soda machine, and tums. One other thing I always have on hand is hard candy. We aren't allowed to give the kids cough drops, so when one of my kiddos has that nagging cough that won't quit I just quietly walk by and drop a hard candy on their desk. That usually does the trick.
I know this is an old post but for you coffee drinkers how about a few packs of Starbucks Via or tea for mornings when you're running late and don't have time to make it at home.
This is a great idea! The only thing I would add is a Tide pin and/or shout wipes. You never know when you will get paint, pen or drips from lunch.
I have everything mentioned in my OOPS bag, plus a toothbrush and toothpaste (little ones can be so very blunt) and I also keep a Burt's Bees chapstick; my lips get dry and chapped when doing consistant phonics/phonemic awareness. Anyone else have this problem?
I agree with a previous commenter- extra clothes! I am a preschool teacher so maybe that's what makes the difference. It seems like they want to sit on your lap when they are wet or about to vomit! lol
I love this! I am also adding a little travel face cleanser and pimple treatment. Last year I was at stuck at school with the helpless feeling that a pimple was coming on! Finally the science teacher lent me some rubbing alcohol. LOL!
I would add a little travel size bottle of nail polish remover. I know a lot of people do shellac manicures now but occasionally I need remover still! I would also add one of those little Tide stain sticks!
I would add a travel-size bottle of mouth wash and a small magnifying mirror (comes in really helpful for us old timers who can't focus in on the up-close stuff like our own eyeballs!)I also keep some snacks in my cabinet for those late afternoons when I get the munchies. Add tea bags for days when you feel like death-warmed-over and need something hot to soothe your soul. And of course, chocolate must be in any survivor kit.
I would also add a travel size hand lotion and travel size hand sanitizer. As a teacher myself, I have also received hand soap, and I loved that as well!
For my new teachers I usually add some crystal light packets or something similar for bottled waters. Additionally some power snack - like bars or nuts - for working late. Hand wipes or hand sanitizer and some band-aids.
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